Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Macro & Botanical Photography Workshop

I'm leading two sessions this spring, taking place at the Tulip Celebration at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario. The variety of tulips and other spring bulbs will amaze you!
I'll be covering:
Lens Selection
Macro Tools & Equipment
Light Modifiers
In-Camera Creative Techniques

Dates are Wednesday April 30th or Saturday May 3rd, 2008, 1:30 pm - 5 pm

Fee is $80 plus tax and admission to the RGB. Session is limited to six participants.

Optional one-on-one print review as a follow-up to the the workshop is available, and so are customized courses for individuals or small groups.

Please call 416.888.4230 for more information or to book.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

March Break Portrait Special

If you're looking for something a bit different to do with your children over March Break, visit my new studio where I'll be doing one hour sessions at a very attractive price!

Each session is $50 (plus taxes, payable at time of booking) and you'll receive a $50 print credit. Essentially there's no sitting fee for March Break! Proofs will be posted on-line within one week in a special "March Break" gallery, and you can select one 8 x 10 print (or two 4 x 6 prints of the same image) at no extra charge. Additional prints can be purchased if desired, but there's no obligation to do so.

Sessions are available at 9:30 am, 11:30 am, 1: 30 pm and 3:30 pm on Friday March 7th, and Monday March 10th - Friday March 14th inclusive. I'm located in Burlington, just a few minutes from the QEW.

The fine print...... each session can accommodate up to four family members. Extra family members are $25 each, and larger families are booked for the last session of the day at 3:30 pm to allow for the extra time required. Unfortunately I can't accommodate pets in studio shoots (although they're always welcome in my outdoor sessions!)

Please call 416.888.4230 or 905.335.6182 to book or for more information.

I'm also booking now for outdoor spring, summer and fall sessions. Reserve now to get the date that works best for you!

Friday, January 25, 2008


I'm sometimes asked where I've learned some of the photographic techniques that I use in my work. It started with a wonderfully supportive photo instructor in high school, Joanna Hewlett (I spent the better part of my spare time in the darkroom for those years). I've been fortunate to attend some great workshops conducted by:

I also spend a great deal of time poring through photography books, and visiting photography related websites. Some of my favourites are:

Although it's important to establish your own style, I love to see what other photographers are doing and to expand my own photographic experiences (such as expanding into portrait work as I did a few years ago).

Thankfully, I have a wonderfully patient subject for all my portrait experimentation in my daughter. Here's a shot from last evening (Suzanna wanted a new photo for her Facebook page, and I wanted to test out a lighting set-up - so we both accomplished something). This is shot very simply with an on-camera strobe (moved off camera with a remote trigger), an umbrella and lots of white matboard surrounding Suzanna to bounce the light around. A soft look that suits a youthful face!

Monday, January 14, 2008

A new way to use Photoshop......

Here's another image from the pool shoot (see Jan 7th entry below), Miss M. has such a gorgeous smile!

I shoot my portrait work digitally - and use Photoshop to "clean" images of distractions (lint, blemishes, the graffiti that spoils an otherwise great shooting location).

I've recently realized just how ingrained this program has become in my workflow when the other morning I woke up to some pretty mean looking dark circles under my eyes (I'm blaming my recent cold!) and for a moment thought to myself as I put on my make-up "No problem, I'll just Photoshop those away before I go out". If only it were that easy........!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Two hours for a photo session?

I'd like to share a few of my favourite images from 2007 over the next few weeks. This one was taken in my client's backyard where they had recently installed a beautiful swimming pool (they all changed into their swimsuits to enjoy the water for the last part of the session, we all enjoyed getting splashed a bit as the two girls practiced jumping into the pool over and over again!)

When clients are setting up an outdoor portrait session I suggest that they set aside 2-3 hours, and I'm often asked why would we need so much time. Simply, children (and often the adults too!) need a bit of time to forget that my camera is pointed at them. It's then that we can get the unposed, natural shots like the one of the lovely E. above.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Jumping into 2008!

It sometimes takes me awhile to adopt the latest technologies (which is a bit ironic given my many years working in high-tech!) I wasn't the first in line to get a VCR or DVD player (which would still be blinking 12:00 if it weren't for my daughter's savvy), or to buy a digital camera (I use several now, but still use "good ole" film most of the time for my fine-art work). Not that a blog is high-tech, but it seems a good way to communicate with my clients so I've jumped on board.

On a regular basic I'll be posting news from The Intrepid Lens, including session specials and last minute availability when a client has had to cancel a session date.

I'll also be posting info about gallery exhibits, and will include some proofs from portrait sessions from time to time (which may give you ideas for locations for your own session!). Feel free to submit your comments and/or questions - and sign up for this feed if you'd like to know when I've updated this page.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2008!

Best wishes,