I'm sometimes asked where I've learned some of the photographic techniques that I use in my work. It started with a wonderfully supportive photo instructor in high school, Joanna Hewlett (I spent the better part of my spare time in the darkroom for those years). I've been fortunate to attend some great workshops conducted by:
Richard Martin http://www.richardmartinphoto.com/
Craig Tanner http://www.craigtannercreative.com/
Michael Reichmann http://www.luminous-landscape.com/
I also spend a great deal of time poring through photography books, and visiting photography related websites. Some of my favourites are:
Although it's important to establish your own style, I love to see what other photographers are doing and to expand my own photographic experiences (such as expanding into portrait work as I did a few years ago).
Thankfully, I have a wonderfully patient subject for all my portrait experimentation in my daughter. Here's a shot from last evening (Suzanna wanted a new photo for her Facebook page, and I wanted to test out a lighting set-up - so we both accomplished something). This is shot very simply with an on-camera strobe (moved off camera with a remote trigger), an umbrella and lots of white matboard surrounding Suzanna to bounce the light around. A soft look that suits a youthful face!
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