Boys, boys and more boys on our street! I had a great time photographing a few young men (and their dads too) yesterday evening. When we first moved here five years ago there were a handful of young kids, but we've since had an explosion of little ones - and mostly boys!
Strangely, it was the same on our old street in Toronto, my daughter was the lone girl with a boatload of little guys to play with. I'm quite surprised that she didn't turn out to be a tomboy; she instead held reign over the young lads with the mystique of femininity. We still laugh over how they would fight amongst themselves to unpack her lunch for her at school - and those same little boys have grown into strapping (and polite!) young men. Their mammas taught them well...
There's still time to book a session to get photos in time for Father's Day (June 20th), check my on-line calendar for availability at http://theintrepidlens.com/index2.php?v=v1#/calendar/. Or, consider a photo session as a gift for Dad to take place at a later date!