Friday, December 12, 2008

Nothing to do (and everything to do) with Photography

Oops, I let quite a while pass since my last post -with good reason! I've been crazy busy with photo sessions (fall colours/holidays) and retouching, printing and delivering orders. Now I can finally get down to some holiday shopping/decorating/baking!

The title of my post refers to a very special anniversary today. It's been five years since I had my pacemaker implanted (for those of you who were wondering about that large scar just below my collarbone, now you know). What a difference a piece of metal has made in my life! After frequent trips to emergency, hospital stays, tests, treatments, drugs etc. I'm so grateful that the pacemaker has worked like a dream and I haven't had one visit to the ER since getting my device.

My good friends know that my spell of poor health led to a decision to leave the corporate world to do what I'd always dreamed of doing and the rewards have been amazing. True, the security of regular income & benefits are sorely missed at times but I was given the gifts of spending more time with my amazing daughter, meeting the wonderful man who was to become my husband and the opportunity to do what I love (and get paid for it!) Paragraph #1 above wouldn't have been possible without paragraph #2.

There are a few things I can't do that were possible before I fell ill with a cardiac infection years ago, but I'm extremely grateful for all the things I am able to do again! The energizer bunny marches on......